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Forced Openings

Glacier Nat’l Park  Bulldozes  Its Way To Record Opening

(A pictorial tale of bulldozers and bullshit)

Logan Pass June 2010

The above photograph was taken 9 days before Logan Pass opened on June 24th, 2010.  This and the following  images  for 2009 and 2011 show increasing snow accumulations. None of this had  been predicted. Instead, the 2007  predictions made by Dan Fagre, the NOROCK  global alarmist, from Glacier national Park, had predicted fewer snowfalls and earlier springs. We will get back to him in a minute.

But first, lets take a pictorial ride  through the lies and crap that become known as global warming.

 I thought showing  a ‘typical’ summer day from Glacier National Park, was in order before we proceed.

Logan Pass  6-30-2005

Photograph of Logan Pass- Month after Opening

The wildflowers are  in full bloom.  The snow had to melted out,  probably no later than the first week in June. That means that the Visitor Center, not far from where this picture was taken,  had to be free of snow, the first of June(no foto available). This image portrays what the ‘consensus’ suggests  is  the result of CAGW.

Here is what the Logan Pass Visitor Center looked like on opening day, June 26th, 2009.

Logan Pass - Day After Opening June 26 2009

Logan Pass, as seen here, opened on June 26, 2009. This is nearly a month later than your ‘typical’ opening at the park. Notice that there is still quite a bit of snow hanging around the Visitor Center. Possibly another 3 weeks before all the snow is gone and another week or so till the wildflowers bloom. That would have been the end of July before the park would have had that ‘typical’ looking summer day, like the one we saw in the photograph from 2005.

Here we have an image of the Logan Pass Visitor Center on opening day July 13 2011

Opening Day - Logan Pass - July 13th 2011

Never had Logan Pass opened this late in the year because of weather. It is also possible, from the looks of it, that the Park Service just couldn’t wait to open. Despite the amount of visible snow at the visitor center , previous Logan Pass opening days never looked so( whats the word), rushed.

I wonder how much taxpaper money was spent to force the opening, while 10 feet of snow still surrounds the Visitor Center.

No wildflowers to be seen and as suggested, could very well take till mid-August or later before they do. That’s nearly 6 weeks later than they did in 2005.

These visual facts are completely different that the predictions made during the ‘Year of the Alarmist’ of 2007.

In a interview by Michael Lanza in the September, ’07 issue of Backpacker Magazine, Dan Fagre, Research Ecologist and Climatel Change Research Coordinator for the Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center of the U. S. Geological Survey, stationed at Glacier National Park, was quoted as saying, “Snow will melt out of the mountains earlier in spring(it already melts nearly three weeks earlier than it did 50 years ago).”

Update:  Snow Melt-Out data from Snotel -Flattop Mtn show these dates for 2005-2011:

2005 –  June 23 (a few days earlier than the ‘alarmist’ year of 2007)

2006 – June 28 (similar to 2007)

2007 – June 30 (the  ‘year of the alarmist’ and the  IPCC report)

2008 – July 16 (2 weeks later than 2007)

2009 – July 2 (shouldn’t this snow be gone the first week of June already)

2010 – July 16 (back to 2 weeks later than the year of 2007)

2011 – Aug 2 ( Never before had a melt out day been recorded in August)

Dan had said in 2007 that snow will melt out earlier, yet  melt out dates since 2007 have all been later, including the first recorded melt out in August since records began in 1970.

To see these images of opening day from Logan Pass , along with this Snotel data,  provides more than enough evidence that snow is lingering around a whole lot longer that Dan ever imagined.

And what about this comment that snow is melting nearly 3 weeks earlier than it did 50 years ago. Really?

The 6 years since June 23rd(the  melt out date) of 2005 , every year since has a later melt out date.

Using Dan’s own logic; in order for these years, since 2007,  to be  melting 3 weeks earlier than the previous 50 years, the melt out dates 50 years ago had to be the middle of August or later.

But what about this image from June 29th 1962, above Logan Pass:

Above Logan Pass 6-29-1962

Is it just me, or does Dan not have a fucking clue what he is talking about.

Mind you, I understand that predicting the future can be difficult. Since there has actually been less snow melt  since that article in ’07, I think we can all say that Dan Fagre wrongly predicted that snow would melting sooner, rather  than later.

But what must be a flat out lie,  was that comment in Backpacker that  ‘snow is melting 3 weeks earlier,’ than it did 50 years ago. That last photograph from 6-29-62, is above Logan Pass and I can’t see any snow, other than a few patches in the background. That photograph was taken nearly 50 years ago. Not having any snow data for that year available to me, it may be assumed that the melt out day for 1962 must have been the first week of June. That would force the timing of Dan’s predictions for ‘snow melting 3 weeks earlier’ to be in the middle of May. Yet here we are and snow  melt for the last 4 years is later than the 3rd week of June and as late as August, not the first in June. Now if Dan had said that snow will melt 3 weeks later than it did 50 years ago, he would have been right, but then he wouldn’t be supporting ‘climate change’ with that prediction.

Why has no one called him on his bullshit yet ?

So here is what we know. Dan Fagre was quoted as saying that snow would melt earlier and earlier, but has actually melted later and later.

In addition to this, his comment that snow is actually melting 3 weeks earlier than it did 50 years ago is a complete hoax.

For posterity sake, I wish to leave you with these last 2 images. The first one is from May 10th, 1957, nearly 50 years to the day after  Dan mentions that bullshit statement about it melting earlier… earlier than it supposedly did around the time this photo was taken:

May 5th, 1957 Glacier National Park - Lake McDonald

What an amazing day it must have been for the first week in May. A warm and a snow free day for Glacier National Park.

Not at all what what was suggested by Dan. Shouldn’t there be 10 feet of snow on the ground here.


In contrast, 50 years later, you would think we should see a photograph of  fire and brimstone rising from the ashes of global warming at the park based on Dan’s predictions.

Lets take a look……

Here’s  Dan doing his best James Hansen impression at Preston Park. Preston Park is about a mile east of Logan Pass and just a few hundred yards north of  the Going-to-the-Sun road(which was closed at the time).  This was a staged photo shoot for the September issue of Backpacker, 2007.  Just your typical hand-wringing, warmer, drier, ‘worse than we thought’  spring, due to Global Warming.

What a crock of shit.

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